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Former title

Current position


Hyun Jin Yang


Hye Ryung Byon


Suphil Kim


Seok Min Yoon


Yoonmi Lee


Hyunseob Lim


Hyun Jae Song


Hye Kyung Moon


Jieun Park


Chibeom Park


Taesoo Kim


Misun Hong


Jisoo Choi


Jungah Kim


Hyungki Kim


Minkyung Lee


Intek Song


Jinho Lee


Soyoung Kim


Yohwan Park


Taekyung Yoon


Taeyeon Kwon


Jiwon Park


Yoolim Ahn


Yunju Park


Hyeyeon Cho


Youngkwan Yoon


Hanju Do


Sungwook Woo


Jin Young Koo


Kang Yeol Lee


Hyeon Suk Shin


Tang Qun


Min Yulin


Mukul Pradhan


Kwangho Chu


Hyunjoo Kim


Kyoung Ok Kim


Minhyeok Son


Seungok Lee


Chahyung Kim


Hee Kyung Kim


Jaeho Lee


Youngjin Na



Graduate student (M. S)


Graduate student


Graduate student (M. S)


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student (M. S)


Graduate student


Graduate student (M. S)


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student (M. S)


Graduate student


Graduate student


Graduate student (M. S)


Research professor


Research professor












Undergraduate student


Undergraduate student


Undergraduate student


Undergraduate student


Undergraduate student


Undergraduate student


Undergraduate student


Undergraduate student


Undergraduate student


Visiting graduate student

LG Energy Solution


Associate Professor at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)


LG Display


Associate Professor at Wonkwang University


Samsung Electronics


Associate Professor at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)


Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT)


Hyosung R&DB Labs


Samsung Electronics


Samsung Electronics


Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)


LG Energy Solution


Samsung Electronics


Samsung Electronics


Samsung Electronics


Samsung Electronics


Assistant Professor at Andong National University


Samsung Electronics


Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology (RIST)


Samsung Electronics


Samsung Electronics


Samsung Electronics


Samsung Electronics


Samsung Electronics


Samsung Electronics


Samsung Electronics


Samsung Electronics


Samsung Electronics


Research Professor at POSTECH


Samsung Display


Post-Doc. at Korea University


Professor at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)


Associate Professor at Institute of Advanced Study in NanChang Univ.




Assistant Professor at National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India


Graduate student at  POSTECH


Education graduate school


Graduate student at  POSTECH,  Samsung Economy Research Institute


Graduate student at Kyungbuk Univ. Medical School




Graduate student at Ewha Womans Universtiy Law School


College of medicine Pochon Cha Univ.


Samsung Corning Precision Glass


Graduate student at Korea Univ. Law school


Undergraduate at Nottingham University


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